My Blog List

Monday, March 17, 2014

misunderstanding is abnormal

well that post is not for me.
it's a relief.
jinjja bak kata korea.
so i dh certain right now.
n lets move on.
molla !!

Thursday, March 6, 2014


my favorite song.english version.


i don't know.should i or shouldn't i?
truthfully i really need someone.
but none.
maybe it's not the time yet.
really.i don't know.
i'm sad.really sad.
but must i being so sad like that?
nobody know about me.

that post really bother me.
is he write that for me?
or it is just my feeling?
i don't know.
it bother me so much.
why am i going that far by stalking him?

emotionally unbalanced.
it's hard to pretend i'm okay, but the truth is not.
i really want to cry.
but i wouldn't let myself being like that.
it's really hard.
it's not the time yet.


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

sekapur sirehh..bla bla bla

and there is someone who want to tackle me??ehhh??what the...ok fine..he's my old friend..i know him well and i know he is a very good boy,,so i just accept it?wrong or not??i don't know..just following the flow okayy??but, i got confused..not about him but the other person..i really don't know whether i like this mr m or i just love the attention he gave to me..
i know the fact that he like someone else,, still i'm not sure how to say this..maybe i like complicated..maybe i just like the attention.
sadly, he doesn't like to pay attention to me for this time it because i told him that i like him or is it another reason??
well..don't want to think about it..whatsoever!!!
huh!just be me :)

Monday, October 8, 2012

hEalth T!me :D


skit woo terkna bnda alah maklumlah ak ni jln bkn men gnas ag..
pas 2 mula la tersepak sana sini n then terkena la si cagu y cumel ni -_-
da smggu lbh da ak menderita..cewahhh ayat nk hot je kn..ngeh3..biaskk rr...
disebbkn xthan menengok kebengkakan n telinga da tebal mndgr bebeleb rumate2 ku..
akhrnya smpai jgk la ak kt klinik..ambk ubat..
perrgggghhh ubat dia bkn main sodap ag..y satu 2 ok la sbb kecik je n xde rsa pape pon..
tp y satu ag 2..makk aiii...rasa dia bapak xsdap..busuk plak 2..ape jnis antibiotik pnye ubat pon ak xtaw la..
aiyaaa da la 2 papan dia bg..pas 2 nk kena mkn 2 kali sehari plak 2..oh my!!!

berselipar ke kelas da jd rutin ak slma semggu ni..haiii nseb baik xde y pasan kaki ak ni selain kwn2 rapat ak
tp lau ade y pasan pon bkn nya ak taw kn..
malu 2 ade la ckt tp nk wat cmne..sabar je y ak mmpu..
mudah2 an ALLAH sembuhkn sakit ak ni..ak sedar ini adlh ujian dpdNYA n sbg tnda peringatan agar ak xrjin sgt kuar brjln2,,duit pt da xde ni..ommmaaaaaaaaaaaa............
hahahaha tibe2 je ea..
k bai..
maw mkn ubat :(

Thursday, October 4, 2012

oH Kekkyy!!!

inilah kek brthday 1st ak sepjng 20 tahun ak hdup d muka bumi ALLAH ini...cntik n sedap kn???ahaksss:D anyway credit to my fren,,mun,muna,umi,zati coz ingt jgk nk kasi kek kt ak even lmbt ckit..
ape2 pon khop kun kha la sbb wat ak mkn kek..dh r ak ni anti kek..syukran teman2!!!!